But, most won't deny that Taraji Henson kills it as Cookie Lyons! She has already achieved iconic status in popular culture with her signature fashion sense, her witty one-liners and snappy comebacks. Baby girl can READ!!! So, here are my Top 5 Reasons Why Cookie Lyon is the ISH!!!

Cookie has no fear when it comes to fashion. She can rock a head-to-toe cheetah complete with a pimp hat and dare you to say she ain't shaaaawp!! Her fashion is "timeless"! She goes to jail for 17 years and the outfit that she gets locked up in has time to go out of style and come back in style again! I'm swear I've seen girls rocking that same outfit in the clubs recently.
4. Cookie is "cold-blooded"!
Literally! Cookie can rock a fur coat! PETA be damned, she rocks them indoors, outdoors, day, night, lunchtime . . . . It's not really clear what season (or what year) the show takes place in, but you can best believe that Cookie will swing a fresh fur for you!
3. Cookie is a Musical Genius!
Hip Hop, R&B, she can even do Alternative with Elle Dallas (Courtney Love)! After 17 years in prison, with little influence from popular culture she can still comeback and slay the hits.
2. Cookie's Broom Game is Nice!
Cookie is from the old school where when a Mama needed to WHOOP a child she would grab what ever was closest - a broom, a shoe, a hairbrush . . . Her son Hakeem thought he was a Hip Hop superstar until he met her broom game. Don't play with Cookie!
And the #1 reason why Cookie is the ISH . . .
1. Cookie Is For The Kids!!!
You know you've reach the top when Vulture makes a paper doll in your honor! The doll doesn't exactly look like Taraji P. in the face but it definitely captures her essence and her most memorable outfits - cheeky cheetah, boardroom lingerie, they even include the broom! I'm printing mine today! You can get yours and have a good ole time producing records, fighting with BooBoo Kitty or otherwise reliving your favorite moments from the season. Get yours here!
Not sure if Cookie Lyon is invited but come on now, a paper doll! You gotta admit, that's hot!
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