Me and The Fabulous MiMi G!!! |
Who's Next on The Guest List?
As many of you know, I have this party in my head that all the fabulous people are
invited to attend. If you didn't already know,
MiMi G is invited!!! This weekend I attended a fabulous workshop on how to market, run, and brand your blog or creative business. It was the first stop on the
MiMi G Passion to Profit Tour.
Who is Mimi G, you ask?
www.mimigstyle.com |
Well, if you are unfamiliar, she is a fashion/lifestyle blogger who is taking the world by the seams, honey! Her blog www.mimigstyle.com gets over 12 million page views!!! It features outfit-of-the-day's (OOTD's), Do-it-Yourself (DIY) sewing tutorials, as well lifestyle posts about her family and various other topics. Ladies love her for her fabulous style and guys love her because she is hawt!!!
For me and for many, she has changed the perception of sewing. I always thought of sewing as something that my grandfather, the tailor, did or as something that a home seamstresses did only to produce frumpy, "mammy-made" outfits (sorry - just keeping it real)! But after discovering MiMi G a few years ago, I too have learned to sew and have since been turned on to other sewing blogs and my perception has been forever changed!!!
Passion to Profit Tour

But, this workshop wasn't about sewing!!! She shared her secrets!!! She shared tips and tricks about blogging and running a creative business that this "baby blogger" sorely needed. She shared how she turned her "little sewing blog" into a profitable
platform for her tutorials, corporate partnerships, a custom made clothing website, and a commercial pattern line! She also shared her personal story about being homeless, being a teen mother, and a woman who was in a terrible cycle of abusive relationships. Her message about overcoming your circumstances resonated with many in the room. Every attendee also received goodies from
Verizon and a resource packet with valuable tools that bloggers and creative chicas could use tor grow their own business! Score!!!
Why is she invited?
www.mimigstyle.com |

Not only is she down-to-earth, fashionable, and funny, she is that person that is already your BFF inside your head! She was gracious, she took pictures with nearly everyone there, and was just an all around sweetheart! It also doesn't hurt that she is originally from Chicago! Chi-Town STAND UP!!!
Ultimately, she's invited because I just love a lady who is a BOSSSSSS!!!
You gotta love a successful woman who isn't afraid to share knowledge. Often in business, people will keep their secrets close to the vest. But, she believes that there is enough "success" out here for everyone and no matter how much she shares, no one will do it the exact same way. I like that. I'm definitely the kind of girl that will give another lady her props and I have to give props to my "BFF inside my head" and invited guest - MiMi G!!! Like a BOSSSSSSSS!!!!!
MiMi G Passion to Profit Tour will be heading to Atlanta, Houston, New York, DC, and Philadelphia, for more info click
the link.