Saturday, May 12, 2012

Happy Mother's Day to All You Mutha*s Out There!!!

This Sunday we will take time to honor all of the women who love and nurture us, women who have made sacrifices for us and taught us from their wisdom.  For the vast majority, we will spend the day honoring our Mothers, Grandmothers, Step Mothers, Mothers-in-Law, Aunties, Sisters, Wives, and Girlfriends.

But dear friends, I want to make sure that you don't forget to send some love to all your Mutha*s out there.  You know who I mean.  The women who compel you to say, "Girl, you know you’re my Mutha*!"

No one will ever replace Mom - she's the original OG! But as we get older, we also realize the importance of the sister-friends in our lives.  Old School remedies and sage wisdom like Hot Toddies and castor oil are all have their place, but sometimes you just need a contemporary spin on things.  These sister-friends are a part of that collective, that council, that village of women who help us become the people we are today.

Fellas, you too! For you this may be that platonic friend at work (and I do mean platonic - this ain't for you creepers out there), that sister, that girl cousin, that cool auntie, or that home-girl from childhood.  There is no denying that they are there for you and always have been. It’s high time we salute them!

Let me be more specific and tell you who I mean . . .

The Ride or Die - This mutha* is always there if you need her - no matter what!  She’s the girl that won't think twice about running a car key "from the front light, to the back light" of an ex's vehicle.  Now, whether she in fact does this for you (literally or figuratively), she's down for you! She's fiercely protective of you while always encouraging you to be strong.

The Cheerleader - This mutha* always wants to see you shine and always encourages you to do so.  She cheers for your success and indulges your whims, no matter how many and no matter how ridiculous!  She makes you feel good about yourself, even if you have doubts.  If say you wanna dye your hair purple, she's like, "For Real! Girl, do that ish! You know purple is your color anyway!" or "I know what ever it is, you'll make it look fly."  The Cheerleader is not at all jealous.  She possesses a unique wisdom and realizes that encouraging you to shine doesn't in anyway dim her light. In fact, it makes her shine brighter.

The Vault - You can tell her anything. I mean anything! From that body in the trunk to that extra child on your income taxes.  She's taking it to the grave.   You can open your heart or your skeleton closet without fearing that your deepest and darkest will be gossip fodder or end up on a blog. :)

The Non-Judging Judy - You knew it was slightly illegal, somewhat immoral, or otherwise reprehensible.  Hell, like the time you knew he or she wasn't exactly single, and you needed to talk to someone about it.  She listens without judgment and offers what she can and gently offers advice, regardless of how she may really feel about it.

The Wise Counsel - You didn't go postal, you didn't jump off that bridge because she had a way of breaking down and giving it to you straight - no chaser.  Her compass is always pointed in the right direction and you can trust that her advice will be honest and heartfelt . . . . . even when you don't take it.

The Side-Splitter - She can't help it. Her keen observation and limitless arsenal of jokes always has you CRACKING UP! No matter what's going on or who's involved, she's got a one-liner for it.  Be careful though, don't sit next to her if you have to go to the bathroom and definitely don't sit next to her a funeral. She can't help it.

In a perfect world, your Mother is also our Mutha*! But despite that "S" on her chest, mom can't do it all. That's why we have Mutha*s.  I checked yesterday and saw that Hallmark didn’t have a card for them.  No worries.  We’ll just have to salute them a little differently. 
So whether she's your mom, auntie, sister, sister-friend, cousin, or home-girl, don't forget her this Sunday.  Send her a gift, send her an email, send  her this blog :) or simply call her up and say, "Girl, you know you my Mutha*!  Happy Mutha*s Day!"

Now let me know, who’s your Mutha*? Are you someone's Mutha*? Did I forget anyone? What other kind of Mutha*s are out there?

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  1. This sums up the salutations, I wished to give the ladies in my life.

  2. I saw myself in a few of those descriptions. That was nice for a woman without kids who usually feels overlooked on Mother's Day.

  3. Ha, I love it! I'm definitely quite a few of those Mutha*s.

  4. I love you mutha*. You are my homegirl from now to Juvember!!!
